(ARCHITECTURE)             (EXHIBITIONS)             (DESIGN)

California Terrace Studio

A detached painting studio for a Pasadena-based artist. The main house is a small, 1903 Craftsman-style home perched on a very deep lot along the Arroyo Seco. Care was taken to make the design of the new backyard studio contemporary and functional for the artist's practice, but within the language of the historic home and local preservation code. In consultation with an arborist, the site was planed around a 100ft oak tree that is the centerpiece of the property. Working with a landscape architect, we re-used nearly 5,000lbs of rock excavated for the foundation.
Project Type:
Pinting Studio
(New Build)

Pasadena, CA

Square Footage:
600 SF

Structural Engineering:
Craig Philips

Content Production 
